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Privacy Policy

We are a premier travel agency based in China, who takes privacy of our customers seriously and pledge to protect it in 9 ways.


I. The 9 Privacy Promises

1. Notice: To notify you timely and in appropriate manner of what personal data we will collect about you, how we will use it and with whom we may share it (third parties).

2. Choice: To respect the choices you make when it comes to use and share your personal data.

3. Assurance: To collect only required personal data for specific objectives and not to use for other purposes without prior approval.

4. Retention: To keep your personal data for the identified purposes as long as we need it or as permitted by law.

5. Accuracy: To take appropriate actions to make sure your personal data in our database are clear and accurate.

6. Access: To permit the access to your personal information and enable you to correct any inaccurate or incomplete data by abiding with the law.

7. Security: To take proper measures (physical, technical, and organizational) to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

8. Sharing: Not to allow third-parties to use your personal data for their own purposes without your approval.  

9. Pursuance: To review on a regular basis as how to maintain the privacy concerns and provide solutions for complaints and suggestions regarding our privacy practices.


II. Scope of the Privacy Policy

The policy of Expats Holidays clearly depicts how we secure your privacy when you use our website(s) or services. Further, the policy may be extended or modified periodically with privacy notice(s). For instance; we notify you about the personal data we collect, why we need such data and the choices you may have about the ways we use those data through privacy notice(s) on certain pages of our site(s). In response to lawful requests by some countries, specific privacy notice(s) maybe required to abide under the privacy law, which ultimately makes our privacy notice(s) as well a part of it.


III. Your Rights to the Personal Data

Under data protection laws in relation to your personal data, you have the right to know what personal data of yours are stored in order to ensure such data are accurate and relevant for the purposes for which Expats Holidays Pvt. Ltd. collected it. However, this policy is part of the terms & conditions of Expats Holidays. Hence, you are expressly agreeing to our Terms & Conditions, including this Policy, when you use our site (s) or services. To review the Terms & Conditions page, please click here.


IV. Personal Data We Collect

Personal Data means, any detail about an individual that can be used to identify him/her on a personal level. It can be either alone or in combination with other information available to us. We may collect, store, and transfer different kinds of personal data about you only out of necessity or with your approval. The information we collect about you includes of the data you offer us during your interaction with us when you visit our site(s) or use our services.


V. The Data You Provide

Contact information such as name, email address, mailing address, nationality, phone number, zip code

Social media information relating to Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Skype and other instant messaging applications.

Billing Information such as credit card number, and billing address

Passport and Visa data

Your interests and special requests for wheelchair, food preferences, accommodation etc. in your trip.

Feedback and reviews on our service, we will occasionally invite our past customers to participate in surveys, market research or focus groups, which may vary slightly from case to case.


VI. Usage of Your Personal Data

Any of the information we collect from you will never be sold to third parties but be used in the following circumstances.

To communicate with you regarding the tailor-made tours & future travel with us.

To customize and improve our website to your best interests.

To learn more about your needs and wishes to improve our customer service and other aspects of our services.

To send newsletters, which may include offers, promotions, destinations or service information, etc.

Note: In case if you want to unsubscribe from receiving future newsletters / emails from us, we respect such right and you can use “opt-out” links at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of our mail or contact us at info@expatsholidays.com.


VII. Validity of Your Personal Data

Your personal data will be kept for as long as we need to fulfill necessary purposes, which it was collected for, or to which you have agreed, or as permitted by applicable law.


VIII. Data Security

We have taken appropriate security measures (physical, technological and organizational) to protect your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed unauthorizedly, altered, disclosed, or destructed. For instance, using firewalls and intrusion detection sensors, we have secured our data networks. Hence, access to data is authorized for only those who have a “need-to-know” and trained on our security procedures. However, despite the above mentioned efforts, please note that there is no “perfect” or “100% error-free” system for the internet. But at the same time, do remember that we highly value your privacy and do our best to protect it with the latest technologies and standards.


IX. Privacy and Security Enforcement

We do regular reviews and self-assess of our site (s), databases, and other member-information systems to ensure the 9 privacy promises pledged to you are true and in accordance with the principles of the privacy policy.

In addition, we have trained employees who share a common understanding of each others’ roles and responsibilities and can handle member information carefully to identify ways we can improve our data practices.

This Privacy Policy Statement covers the official website of Expats Holidays Pvt. Ltd.  www.expatsholidays.com


If you any questions, comments, complaints or queries concerning our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.