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Author: Elisa

 Welcome to China! With the world's largest population, biggest e-commerce market, and fastest-growing economy, China is a global leader in mobile payment adoption. When traveling in China, you have various payment options, including smartphones, bank cards, and cash. In this article, we will introduce you to all the available payment methods.  Mobile Payment Mobile payment is popular in China. Having your phone with you at all times is incredibly convenient and allows for almost every payment to be made. The two major

 Travelling to China for the first time can be an intense cultural experience due to its vastness, huge cities, sweeping landscapes, and enormous population. In addition to language barriers and cultural differences, there are bound to be surprises. To alleviate the overwhelm, here are a few things to keep in mind before your trip to China.  Travel Document Please ensure that your passport is valid for at least the next six months and that you have obtained a visa for China. It

 Trains are a popular mode of transportation in China, but the language barrier can make it challenging. This article provides tips to help you prepare for your first train ride in China.  1. Preparation before departure Remember to bring your train ticket or booking number and valid documentation. Valid documents include Passport, Residence Permit for Foreigners, Exit and Entry Permit for Foreigners, Diplomat's card, Certificate at the Consulate, Seamen's Book/Passport, Foreign Identity Certificate Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Passport

 In today's world, it is common for individuals to carry a smartphone or tablet. There are numerous applications available that can be helpful when travelling to China. China is on the verge of becoming a cashless society, although cash is still in circulation. Many Chinese citizens now rely solely on digital payment methods for their daily transactions. In China, you can use apps to order meals, hail taxis, book tickets, and even open doors. This article lists several apps that